
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fortune Pockets

I love saving fortunes from fortune cookies.  When I get them, I put them in my pocket in hopes that later on, I will include them in scrap books (which I never do - but I always intend to tho - that should count for something).  Instead, I just end up leaving them in my pockets, so when I wear the article of clothing that I wore when saving the fortune, I find them in the pockets.  And when I read them, I think - yay - I got a good fortune.  Even after a wash, it doesn't ruin the fortunes paper, it gets a bit soft, but its still in good shape, and I can still read the fortunes. 
So really, I take fortune cookies and turn them in to fortune pockets.  I can tell how often I wear a certain pants or shirt by the amount of fortunes I have in its pockets.  You guys should try it the next time you eat Chinese food.  Its good clean fun.

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